Hi there 👋

I am an iOS Software Engineer with 4 years of experience developing applications for Apple devices.

I have published and managed 10+ applications on the App Store, maintaining a 4+ star rating.


iOS Software Engineer


Dec. 2020 - Present | New York City, NY

  • Managed data persistence via SwiftData and iCloud for synchronization across devices. Implemented Vision and Core Image for image processing. Utilized Core Graphics to create custom elements.
  • Implemented OAuth2 authentication flow for Google and Facebook. Leveraged StoreKit for in-app purchase management, transaction handling, subscription status monitoring, and offer eligibility checks.
  • Developed reusable modules using SPM, enhancing code reusability by 55% and sharing across projects.
  • Designed, marketed, developed, and published 4 commercial personal applications. Published a custom Swift package and open-source projects, and shared animations on GitHub.

iOS Software Engineer


Jun 2021 - May 2024 | Boston, MA

  • Designed and contributed to 7+ complex apps for iOS, macOS, and watchOS, developing projects from scratch and improving existing ones, including a top 100 App Store Education app with a 4.5-star rating.
  • Mentored and led junior developers, collaborating with PM, UX, and QA teams using the Agile process.
  • Designed architectures, including MVVM and MVC. Applied SOLID principles and POP to improve reusability, testability, and code quality. Optimized performance with GCD and Swift Concurrency.
  • Engineered new features with UIKit, SwiftUI, AppKit. Defined entities and relationships using Core Data.
  • Integrated and optimized API communications using RESTful APIs, SOAP, WebSockets, and GraphQL. Engineered BLE communication for data exchange between devices and peripherals.
  • Developed Server-Driven UI, cutting update effort by 40% and enabling dynamic changes without release.
  • Reduced app load time and size by 25% through refactoring code. Minimized code defects by 30% through code reviews, and collaboration with QA for automation unit tests.
  • Integrated CI/CD pipelines in the workflow, reducing manual effort, and led to a 25% faster release cycle.


LexiT: Translator & Flashcards

Enables text, voice, and image translation with personal dictionary storage for easier learning.

App Store

Hacker News Headlines

An open-source Hacker News reader built with SwiftUI.

App Store Github

Blank Web - Focus

Content blocker extension for Safari on macOS and iOS.

App Store


SwiftUIKitSwiftUICore DataSwift DataAVFoundationCombineFirebaseCore GraphicsCore BluetoothCore LocationCore AnimationStoreKitSceneKitHealthKitVisionKitXCTestAlamofireGraphQL

MVVMMVCRESTful APISwift ConcurrencyUnit TestingCI/CDXcodeJiraGitSPMFigmaCharles

Created in Swift with Ignite